Wellness Activities That Aren't Exercising – HighBrewCoffee

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Wellness Activities That Aren't Exercising

The phrase “wellness” conjures different images for various people.  For many people, wellness relates to the gym, exercising, physical fitness, and similar activities. However, health and wellness go much deeper than just the physical, and just focusing on your fitness ignores the mental aspect of your wellbeing.

Many people are hesitant to begin exercising, either due to a lack of time, energy, or resources, and that’s perfectly ok! The gym isn’t for everyone, and thankfully, there are plenty of alternative options that take care of your mind and body just as effectively. 

So ditch the gym towel and running shoes, and come along for a few ways to keep yourself healthy; without all the sweat.

Get Lost in a Book

Nowadays, especially as many of us work from home, we spend a lot of time in front of a screen. Unfortunately, too much screen time can significantly impact our eyes, mind, and body, so it’s essential to find activities away from a screen when you can. The good news is; the simplest way to cut down on screens is sitting on the shelves of your local library.

Reading might have gotten a bad rap from all the mandatory books you had to read for school, but if you find the right genre, reading can take you and your mind almost anywhere! If you’ve “never been into reading,” maybe give a few more books a shot. Explore different stories, topics, and authors, and who knows, you might just find your new favorite pastime.

Meditate on It

The next suggestion on our list is one of the easiest and most relaxing ways to improve your well-being. Meditation practice has been around almost as long as humanity has, and it has helped countless people find some rest and relaxation in their daily lives. If it seems intimidating to you, don’t worry! We have a few tips and tricks to help you get started.

  • Start Slow - When you begin meditating, start with small time increments. This allows you to get used to the practice and how it makes your body feel. Maybe try a 10-minute meditation to start and work your way up to longer stretches of time! You’ll be surprised the difference ten minutes can make.
  • Get Some Help - If you’re new to meditation entirely, you might want to try a guided meditation! People worldwide practice and teach meditation, and there are even apps that can help you learn meditation in the comfort of your own home. Find the option that’s right for you!
  • Get the Most - If you feel like you know how to meditate successfully, you might want to try another variant; mindfulness meditation.  Mindfulness is another word for staying in the present, and practicing this technique can have some great health benefits. Working on your mindfulness can also help with your mental health and allow you to focus more acutely on your thoughts and emotions.
  • Start a Garden

    If you want to focus more on getting outside and possibly eating healthier, you might want to consider starting a garden! Your garden can be as big or as small as you need it to be and can be used for a variety of different purposes.

    If you have a small amount of space, you might want to consider an herb garden.  Herbs like basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint are relatively easy to grow and make gardening for beginners a relaxing pastime. In addition, there are plenty of resources for new gardeners, and you can find gardening tips just about anywhere on the internet!

    For readers with a greener thumb and a bit more space, you might want to attempt a vegetable garden. Of course, it takes more patience and knowledge to grow vegetables, but fresh veggies from your garden are hard to argue against! When making your garden plans, do some research on basic terms, like raised beds and frost dates in your area, to help you get started.

    Channel Your Inner Picasso

    Many people might get scared off by the word therapy, but an excellent, creative way to improve your wellbeing is by engaging in art therapy. Art therapy is a form of therapy that encourages self-expression and alternative forms of communication to pursue a healthier, more rounded you.

    According to the American Art Therapy Association, art therapists work with people of all ages and across multiple walks of life to help you achieve your personal goals through art and self-empowerment. Just make sure you go to an art therapist that has been certified by the Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB), as many people may advertise themselves as art therapists, regardless of their qualifications,

    Fly, Fly Away

    Man drinking High Brew in a van

    Our final wellness suggestion might take you out of your comfort zone a little, but sometimes, that’s a good thing! Traveling, regardless of the method (car, train, plane, etc.), can be a helpful and exciting way to get a small respite from your day-to-day life. In addition, traveling opens your mind to new places, people, cultures, and experiences and can give you a more complete worldview than ever before! 

    The benefits of traveling extend to mental health, stress levels, personal identity, and much much more. You can meet new people living worldwide, reinvent your creative process if you’re feeling stuck, or even scout out a new place to move to! Traveling is a beautiful experience that can help you across all walks of life, so pack your bags and hit the road!

    High Brew

    At High Brew, we want to help people reach their goals and dreams no matter the odds. Our readymade cold brew is perfect for those who do and anyone chasing their passion. We take pride in making a smooth, naturally caffeinated drink for everyone, and we’re excited to share it with you.  

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